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How to write better posts and web content

This is the fifth part of an ongoing session of writing tips that I post regularly to this blog. For those of you who are keeping up with these postings, thanks. In session four I discussed some ways to keep your writing fresh. I hope the information in that session was helpful to those who reviewed it.

Not all web surfers are techies! Stick to active voice for web content and be specific with any examples in your writing. This allows your reader to visualize your message and have a better understanding of it. Never write jargons or use words and phrases the average web visitor cannot understand. You are writing for a web audience of millions, not your college professor.

These are just a few simple rules to follow for post and web content writing. Remember, good writing takes a lot of practice. It takes dedication, time, and good writing habits to produce good work.

Thanks for taking the time out of your day to review the information presented here in session 5. If you missed session 4 feel free to review it at your own leisure. I hope this article was of some help to those seeking to be better writers. Session 6 will be posted soon.

As always- find what works best for you in everything that you do, including writing. Always write what you feel and never let others sway your opinions or ideas.

Write something GREAT today!

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