The Mean Sister

My sister was frying the chicken. It was golden, beyond belief. The best chicken north of Lefferts Boulevard. Her daughter, my niece, was spoiling her appetite, munching on the chips I had just…


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Final Media Project

What is your topic? Why did you pick it? What do you hope to gain with this project?

My final topic is mental health in children.

I picked this topic because I’ve been learning more about mental health for my own education and personal benefit.

It’s interesting to realize just how much our mental health affects our lives — our relationships, our friendships, our work— and also how much I, like many other people, ignore it and don’t do the maintenance that can improve all of the aforementioned.

Being a parent provides an interesting twist.

How do my own quirks affect my children? If I don’t address my own mental health, I likely don’t address theirs either. How does that shape them?

We’re quick to acknowledge mental health when an active shooter goes on a rampage. But what about before that happens? Or what if the issues aren’t as extreme? What then?

I grew up in a culture that was anti therapy and I think we are all learning that that is the wrong ideal.

I’d like to explore that further.

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